What is better than Diamondback tickets?????? How about FREE Diamondback tickets. Thank you to Mark and Sheri for giving me free tickets to the Diamondbacks game for Monday night. We LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dbacks and lucky us, we got to go twice in one week. We packed our pb&j sandwiches, popcorn, and snacks and headed out to the ballpark on Monday night. The only thing that made the night even better was seeing myself featured on the jumbo tron, not once but twice. Ha ha The Dbacks lost but it was exciting to see Ryan Howard hit a home run.... not my Ryan Howard but the Phillies Ryan Howard. lol
The Newlyweds Jeff & Laura enjoying watermelon
See the Jumbo Tron................................................See us on the Jumbo Tron
how fun!! i always get nervous when they do the jumbotron!! i hate seeing myself on there!! hey, my shoe party is this friday at 6:30pm!! it would be so fun to have you there!! if you want to come, call me and i'll tell you where it is!!
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