Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh.. nothing much!

How many times do we hear on Monday..."What did you do this weekend?" And how many of us respond by saying, "Oh, nothing much." I found myself saying this yesterday which made me reflect and think... what did I really do this weekend? I will share with you all the nothingness that we did this weekend in random order.

Took my nephew to the park
Got Papa Murphy's pizza
Made cookies
Saw the movie Mamma Mia (again)
Watched Biggest Loser marathon
Went to the gym after feeling guilty from watching Biggest Loser
Played 4 games of Rummikub
Went to church
Did 4 loads of laundry
Mowed the grass (I did front, Ryan did back)
Started watching Nutty Professor but fell asleep
Went to a party
Walked around the mall

I guess thats a lot of nothing... what nothingness did you do this weekend?



ooooh I love rummikub!
I ran a 7 mi. trail run and was so proud of myself that I ATE and ATE and ATE the rest of the weekend. all told, gained 2 lbs!


thats funny. Ya know what is even more funny about that is how many people just accept that as your answer!

Brooke and Brett Martin

haha I love your 'just because' posts. Okay I just got back from a bike ride and before I left I was telling myself over and over that I needed to call you or swing by your house to get you for a ride. When do you ride?? I didn't come by b/c I knew I had to get home pretty fast.
PS-GROUP DATE NIGHT IT IS!!! Unfortunately and this sounds terrible, but I have jammed weekends for the next 3 WEEKS!!! Except NEXT Saturday night we could totally go out! Wait...or THIS weekend we're totally free too. I have Halloween party next Friday night, triatholon the following weekend, and then TIME OUT FOR WOMEN the weekend after that. AWWWW...i can't wait until all of this is OVER!!

Jon and Lara Stowell

sounds like you did more than us.

Jennie Nichols

Rummikub is my FAVORITE game ever (even since I was little)!!
-Jennie N.

Shelley Goodman

Hey, Jessica Livingston and I are VT partners and we go see Alyssa. Lets just all get together for lunch. That would be fun.

Sounds like you had a fun busy weekend!


Wow you did a lot of stuff how fun!K Papa Murphys is the all time best pizza ever dont you think?? Mmm I want some now! haha You also forgot to add our fun r.s. activity sat morning! We made some cute stuff huh?:) So we totally need to get together for v.t. with Shelly and Alyssa that would be so fun! Just let me know the day!